Reduce Costly Drug Prices

Customize fees and/or medications to meet your organizational needs

Enhanced 340B compliance at the point of sale

No cost or risk to get started

Easy to implement – launch your program in about two weeks

340B Savings Go To Your Patients

Pass discounts from medications directly to the patient

Meets HRSA sliding fee guidelines

Enhanced 340B compliance at the point of sale

How CaptureCard Works

A welcome kit will be sent including your CaptureCards, flyers with pharmacies in your area as well as criteria for eligible patients

Cards are distributed to entities for free

Entities determine which patients qualify for CaptureCard at the point of sale

How CaptureCard Works

Patients present their CaptureCard to a qualified pharmacy to receive discounts

Pharmacies maintain their current point-of-sale procedures

Discount fees and medications eligible for the program can be customized for the entity

Ask about our on-time-use card option – it’s a perfect solutions for hospitals

Five Good Reasons To Start Today

Lower drug costs

Reduce readmission rates

Tailor your cards to fit your needs

Demonstrate direct use of 340B funds to comply with HRSA requirements

Customize CaptureCard to Match Your Brand

Customize CaptureCard to Match Your Brand

(Insert custom CaptureCard Image here)